Interesting facts about Indonesia for Kids


If your child is interested in Indonesia, and want to find interesting facts about the state of Indonesia, then you're in the right place. We will give to you, and your child. Check it out

Indonesia is the largest maritime country in the world, and the world's largest archipelagic nation that consisting of 17.504 islands (about 6,000 of them are uninhabited)

Indonesia never colonized by the Portuguese, Spanish, English, Dutch, and Japanese. Of all the colonial powers, the Dutch were the longest, they were in power for over 350 years.

Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and the largest Muslim populated country in the world.

The word "Indonesia" is derived from the word Indus which in Latin means "Ocean" and the word nesos which in Greek means "island". So, Indonesia means the territory of the Indian islands, or archipelago located in the Indies.

There are five Officially recognized religions in Indonesia, namely Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. And Islam is the Largest one.

The position of Indonesia is located at coordinates 6 ° north latitude - 11 ° 08 'south latitude and 95 °' east longitude - 141 ° 45 'east longitude and is located between two continents, the continents of Asia and Australia / Oceania.

Indonesia's territory extends along 3.977 mile between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Indonesia's land area is 1,922,570 km ² and 3,257,483 km ² marine area

Indonesia consists of five major islands, namely: Java with an area of ​​132,107 km ², Sumatera with an area of ​​473,606 km ², Borneo with an area of ​​539,460 km ², Sulawesi, with an area of ​​189,216 km ², and Papua with an area of ​​421.981 km ²

The most popular sports in Indonesia are badminton and football.

Facts about tsunami 2004 in Indonesia

Seven years ago (26 Desember 2004), a devastating tsunami destroyed the Indian Ocean region, precisely around the island of Sumatra, India, and Sri Lanka. Behind this disaster, there are some interesting facts about the 2004 tsunami that destroyed Indonesia's Aceh region:

Tectonic earthquake measuring 8.5 Richter scale (Some experts say 9.1 on the Richter scale) magnitude centered in the Indian Ocean (2.9 north latitude and 95.6 east longitude), at a depth of 20 km (in the sea, is about 149 km south of Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia).

The earthquake was accompanied by a tidal wave (tsunami) that swept some offshore areas in Indonesia (Aceh and North Sumatra), Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Maldives and Thailand.

After the earthquake, thetousand of fish in the sea are drawn to the beach, it makes a lot of people flocked to the shore to find fish, and they do not realize that a very powerful tsunami is coming soon, so most of them can not save themselves.

From several countries affected by the tsunami, Indonesia is a country with the worst damage, followed by Sri Lanka, Thailand, and India.

The number of victims who died in the 2004 tsunami tragedy has reached 168,183 people, 115,229 of them are citizens of Indonesia (from Aceh and North Sumatra).

In this tragedy, there is an interesting story about Martunis, a young Acehnese journalists who photographed by the camera while it is to survive the swift water of the Tsunami, at that time, Martin dressed Portugal national team, his picture became famous and he was honored to be invited by the Portuguese national team watch Portugal national team matches.

Tsunami wave heights reached 30 feet in Indonesia, while in India and Sri Lanka reached 20 meters